February 13, 2024
Written on my way to class.
School values those who can accurately repeat the processes of the teacher. The teacher is given a curriculum that has already been discovered and proven true.
But as we know from the past, what is known as fact at one point in time may be seen as a joke in another.
Because of this, having students repeat these processes accurately to no societal gain is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
What’s the point of school? It seems like its main function is to grade what you’re good at versus the rest of society.
But the way that it’s currently set up has people not even knowing what they’re good at but rather diving into a subject that they can merely bear.
Imagine if everyone found what they were interested in and then worked on it? How much more progress would we make as a society? I’d say tenfold.
You may say having everyone work on what they’re interested in is impossible and I’d agree.
However, if we strived for that we would land somewhere exponentially higher than today.
Today students are graded highly for repeating what is told to them based on the fact that this “thing” is true today.
For whatever they’re “learning” has already been learnt. It has already been found.
Imagine what all of these bright minds, free of the burden of the real world, would accomplish if they collectively (with the guidance of professors) put their efforts towards the unanswered questions.
Because in reality, that’s what mostly everything is made up of: unanswered questions.
Therefore, one can assume that training a population on answered questions doesn’t necessarily set them up for succeeding in the real world.